FISHE Soccer Code of Conduct


There are 3 sections below that you, as a parent of this child, need to read and agree to. These sections represent your agreement with FISHE Soccer for your child's participation.

Section 1 - Participation

I agree to participate in FISHE Soccer according to the policies and procedures described at this website and in the registration information packet. I also understand that registration in FISHE Homeschool soccer is on a first-come-first-served basis. I understand that FISHE Soccer is limited in the number of players that can participate based on the number of coaches. I understand that, if there are not enough coaches, we may have to play at a field that is our second preference, or we may not be able to play at all. I understand that FISHE Soccer will do all they can to accommodate everyone, but may have to refund my registration if there is not room for my child. I understand that children of parents signing up to coach always get first priority.

Section 2 - Medical Release and Consent

As parent/guardian, I understand that there is a risk of injury to my child/children as the result of participation in FISHE soccer activities. In the event of such injury, this authorizes the FISHE soccer team representative to obtain the necessary medical or hospital treatment for my child/children. I, both on my behalf and on behalf of my child/children, assume all risks of loss and risk of injury to my child/children as a result of his/her participation in any FISHE soccer activities. I further agree to hold FISHE soccer and its administrators, board members, coaches, representatives and other volunteers harmless from any and all claims, including personal injury, and any related expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees), arising out of or in any way connected with my child's/children's participation in any FISHE soccer activity.

Section 3 - Players Code of Conduct

Parents should make sure the player has read and agreed to the Code. Younger children can have the code read to them or explained to them.

  1. Representatives - FISHE Homeschool Soccer Players represent the club, the other families in the club, and the rest of the FISHE organization. Most importantly, as a Christian club, the players represent Jesus Christ. Their conduct must be consistent with these responsibilities.
  2. Developmental Philosophy - Players should understand that their coach will guide them in learning soccer skills and rules as they develop. Older players (U19) will read the Youth Soccer Educational and Developmental Philosophy for the FISHE Homeschool Soccer Club, and acknowledge that their participation in the club will be governed by these general guidelines.
  3. Respect for Coaches - Players will treat their Coaches with respect, and do their best to learn from them and follow their instructions. Players will not encourage disrespect for the Coaches among other players. If a player has a concern about his coach that cannot be resolved, the player will inform his parents.
  4. Respect for Players - Players will demonstrate respect for every other individual player at all times. Players will not scream at, yell at, or otherwise abuse other players verbally. Players will encourage their fellow teammates, on and off the field. Players will not speak unkindly about other players behind their backs.
  5. Player Safety - Players will play in a way that puts safety first. Players will not engage in any kind of play that could injure another player.
  6. Respect for Parents - Players will treat all parents with respect at all times, honoring them as authorities.
  7. Respect for Referees - Players will treat the referees with respect at all times, honoring their role as the soccer authority on the field.
  8. Sportsmanship - Players will follow both the letter and the spirit of the rules of soccer, and encourage other players to do the same. Players will not play roughly, or with a "win-at-all-costs" attitude. Players will play fairly, regardless of whether a referee is looking. Players will treat referees and opposing teams with respect, and encourage their teammates to do the same. Players will raise concerns about the conduct of other players in private with their coach, whenever possible. Players will never use coarse or foul language when participating in soccer activities.
  9. Quality - Players will do their best to attend all practices and games, and come prepared and with a good attitude. Players will endeavor to learn about the game and practice on their own to improve their skills.